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Board Members

Digital Arts Resource Centre

Job Location:

Work Environment:


Application Due Date:

Organization Website:

April 30, 2025

Job Type:

Board Member

Contact info:

About the Role

Call for Board Members 2025

The Digital Arts Resource Centre (DARC) is currently seeking candidates for our board of directors who are passionate about its mandate and history and excited to offer leadership, insight and fundraising support as members of the Board of Directors. Board positions are for 3-year terms. As a skills-based board, we are seeking individuals with a drive for strategic visioning and media arts advocacy.

DARC Board of Directors – Role + Responsibilities

The Board of Directors provides strategic leadership and ensures effective governance of the organization by developing and overseeing the vision, mission, strategic direction, and values of DARC; ensuring the development of, and adherence to, policies that guide staff in organizational operations; fundraising and exercising fiduciary responsibility to ensure financial viability and sustainability.

The general duties and responsibilities of Board members, including officers, are to:

  • Determine the organization’s vision, mission and mandate;

  • Guide the organization to achieve its vision, mission and mandate;

  • Represent the members and act as trustees in the public interest;

  • Members must come to all board meetings. Board meetings are currently held every 2 months on the last Monday from 6 to 7:30 pm.

  • Read the material provided before each meeting (minutes, agenda, and any other pertinent documents) and pass on any items to be added to the agenda to the Secretary in a timely manner. Board members who miss three consecutive board meetings shall be deemed to have resigned from office;

  • Sit on working groups when possible when action items have been determined, including Governance, Fundraising Development, HR, Programming, and Executive, with further working groups created as needed;

  • Additional training opportunities can exist around strategic planning, fundraising and diversity;

  • Attend or participate in at least four events a year;

  • Prepare for and attend the Annual General Meeting;

  • Review the executive director’s performance;

  • Ensure effective organizational planning;

  • Ensure adequate resources, participate in fundraising projects and other development initiatives;

  • Collectively ensure effective planning and management of financial and other resources;

  • Determine, monitor, and review the organization’s programs, policies and services;

  • Enhance the organization’s public image;

  • Engage in an assessment process of DARC’s own performance;

  • Represent the organization publicly when required;

  • Maintain confidentiality of financial and other sensitive organizational issues.

About the Organization

Digital Arts Resource Centre is an intersectional feminist organization and employer that is eager and active in breaking down barriers for our community through our programs and resources. We respect everyone who works here, volunteers here or visits here and treat them with thoughtfulness and kindness akin to how we treat our friends. We respect our physical spaces as we would our own home or other cherished space(s). DARC’s working culture prioritizes joy, self-determination, pragmatism, reflection, flexibility, accountability to the organization and accountability to each other.

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